black seed oil
- May 30, 2024 32369
The Health Benefits of Black Seeds Oil Capsules
Nigella sativa is the botanical name of black seed. Black seeds are also called as black cumin, black caraway, kalonji, fennel flower or black onion seeds. The seed comes from a flowering plant (part of the Ranunculacea family) native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean.
- Black seed oil has been used traditionally for thousands of years-as natural remedy for a wide range of ailments.
- The active chemical constituents in Black seed oil are thymoquinone,
- December 06, 2023 598212
Our Story
My Name is (Barbara Amina) Al-Ramadna. I studied electrical engineering, and worked as Maintenance Contract Manager in a computer company for over ten years. An unexpected incident bought me to get into the domain of oils from seeds and herbs. I had read and heard a lot about the miraculous benefits of “Black Seed oil”, so I decided to go to a herbal shop to get it. There were so many types and colors, and I did not know which was the real