Monthly Archives: September 2024
- September 26, 2024 15
Health Benefits of Sesame
Sesame seeds, Sesamum indicum, are one of the world’s oldest known spices. Because of its remarkable resistance to oxidation and rancidity, it’s also known as “Queen of Oilseeds.” Sesame seed oil is abundant in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and natural antioxidants, such as sesamin, sesamolin, and tocopherol homologue. They’re versatile, fragrant, and come in nutty varieties. It is grown for its edible seeds, which are used in a variety of recipes all over the world. They are high in protein, fiber, and healthful fats, Calcium, B vitamins, vitamin E, and antioxidants are all found in sesame seeds.
Sesame seeds can be eaten raw, added to dishes as an ingredient, or cooked with sesame seed oil. Tahini is a paste formed from sesame seeds that
- September 22, 2024 14
Best Foods for Glowing Skin and Healthy Hair
Glossy hair, strong nails, and beautiful skin are all indicators of a good skincare routine, but the importance of a good diet should not be overlooked.
Food includes several beauty nutrients that humans have been utilized for thousands of years, both internally and externally.
We’ve all heard the saying “You are what you eat”. Everything you eat becomes a part of not just your inner self, but also the external structure of your body. The healthier the meals you eat, the better your skin and hair will appear.
There is no secret meal that will keep us looking youthful forever, but a well-balanced diet (together with lifestyle
- September 19, 2024 18
How to Use Hydrosols
- Use with face or body oil to help the skin absorb the oil.
- Spray your skin generously with the hydrosol, then apply the oil while your skin is still damp. This process offers the same benefits as using a cream or lotion, just without the additional emulsifiers and preservatives.
- Spray your face 3 to 4 times a day to rejuvenate your skin. This will keep your skin plump, nourished, hydrated and looking its best ever.
- September 18, 2024 2270
Pistacia Atlantica Oil
In present studies, the oil was extracted from Pistacia atlantica fruits using cold pressing techniques, and the compositions of the Pistacia Atlantica seed oils were determined for the fatty acids, sterols, triacylglycerols, tocopherols, phenolics, and pigments.
According to the results of this work, Pistacia Atlantica seed oil is considered oleiclinoleic oil as the most abundant oleic acid followed by linoleic acid, and can be used as an edible cooking or salad oil or to make margarine .
The effects of oral forms of P. Atlantica essential oil are analogous to those of prednisolone and hydrocortisone, and can suppress all inflammatory symptoms of colitis.
To identify the types and amounts of components in the essential oil of P. Atlantica, oil was first extracted from gum using a hydrodistillation
- September 16, 2024 32449
Michael Isted from the Herball
Our first journey into Jordan with The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.
As with all of our concepts the authentic integration of the nature, plants, people and culture of this beautiful country is central.
Designing a circular, holistic and sustainable drinks programme, that supports the local community, partnering with the countries only certified plant distillery Amina Al-Ramadna to distil (no-alcohol) local plants – integrating traditional fermentation and preservation methods – house carbonation & bespoke bottled serves, locally roasted Bunni Coffee Roastery - September 15, 2024 3432
Garden Cress Benefits
Also known as garden cress, it is a fast-growing edible herb. Garden cress seeds possess many properties such as nutritious, antioxidant, etc., and have been used in folk custom for hyperactive airway disorders, such as asthma, bronchitis, and cough [1]
The seeds contain many nutrients including plant phenolics, iron, folic acid, vitamins A, C, A, fiber and protein. It is also a supplement in the diet of lactating mothers to increase milk secretion in lactating women as well as help in regulating the menstrual cycle.
Cress seed oil is produced from cress seeds through the cold-pressing method. Cress seed oil contains a balanced amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (46%) and monounsaturated fatty acids (37%). It is also an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid, which serves as an alternative source of omega-3, especially for vegetarians